
A colophon contains factual information about the book, particularly relating to its production. It may include information such as the ISBN, publishing house, edition and copyright dates, legal notices and disclaimers, typographic style, fonts and paper used, cover art and layout credits, binding method, and any other significant production notes.

The colophon (or colophons), if present, almost always occur at the very beginning (front matter) or end (back matter) of a book. However, they can also be placed anywhere in an AsciiDoc manuscript as a top-level section. In a printed book, the colophon is often found on the verso side of the title page.

Colophon section syntax

To use the colophon section style, the document type must be book. If the book does not have parts, the colophon must be a level 1 section (==).

== Colophon

The Asciidoctor Press, Ceres and Denver.

(C) 2020 by The Asciidoctor Press

Published in the Milky Way Galaxy.

This book is designed by Dagger Flush, Denver, Colorado.
The types are handset Volcano Dust and Papaya, designed by Leeloo.
Leeloo created the typefaces to soften the bluntness of documentation.

Built with Asciidoctor on Fedora 33.

Printing and binding by Ceres Lithographing, Inc., Ceres, Milky Way.

If the book has parts, the colophon must be a level 0 section (=).

= Colophon

The Asciidoctor Press, Ceres and Denver.

(C) 2020 by The Asciidoctor Press

Published in the Milky Way Galaxy.

This book is designed by Dagger Flush, Denver, Colorado.
The types are handset Volcano Dust and Papaya, designed by Leeloo.
Leeloo created the typefaces to soften the bluntness of documentation.

Built with Asciidoctor on Fedora 33.

Printing and binding by Ceres Lithographing, Inc., Ceres, Milky Way.

The colophon will only be numbered if the sectnums attribute has the value all.