Version Label Attribute

The version-label attribute controls the version label displayed before the revision number in the byline.

Change the version label in the byline

By default, version-label is assigned the value Version. This label can be changed by setting version-label and assigning it a new value in the document header.

Example 1. Assign a new label to version-label
= The Intrepid Chronicles
Kismet Lee
v3: An icy winter incarnation
:version-label: Edition

The result of Example 1 is displayed below.

Byline with custom version label

Notice that when revnumber is implicitly set using the revision line, any preceding letters are still removed even though version-label is explicitly assigned a value.

Unset the version label

You can remove the default version label from the byline by unsetting the version-label attribute. In an attribute entry, add a bang (!) to the attribute’s name.

Example 2. Unset version-label
= The Intrepid Chronicles
Kismet Lee
v3: An icy winter incarnation

The result of Example 2 is displayed below.

Byline without a version label