Declare Custom Document Attributes

When you find yourself typing the same text repeatedly, or text that often needs to be updated, consider creating your own attribute.

User-defined attribute names and values

A user-defined attributes must have a name and explicitly assigned value.

The attribute’s name must:

  • be at least one character long,

  • begin with a word character (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, or _), and

  • only contain word characters and hyphens.

The name cannot contain dots or spaces.

Although uppercase characters are permitted in an attribute name, the name is converted to lowercase before being stored. For example, URL and Url are treated as url. A best practice is to only use lowercase letters in the name and avoid starting the name with a number.

Attribute values can:

Create a custom attribute and value

A prime use case for attribute entries is to promote frequently used text and URLs to the top of the document.

Example 1. Create a user-defined attribute and value
:disclaimer: Don't pet the wild Wolpertingers. If you let them into your system, we're \ (1)
not responsible for any loss of hair, chocolate, or purple socks.
1 Long values can be soft wrapped using a backslash (\).

Now, you can reference these attributes throughout the document.