
Stretch class attribute

reveal.js supports a special class that will give all available screen space to an HTML element. This class element is named stretch.

Sometimes it’s desirable to have an element, like an image or video, stretch to consume as much space as possible within a given slide.

To add this class to an HTML element, you can assign a role to a block using the shorthand dot (.) syntax:


Vertical slides

== Slide 6

Top slide

=== Slide 6.1

This is a vertical sub-slide

Slide 6 uses the vertical slide feature of reveal.js. Slide 6.1 will be rendered vertically below Slide 6. Here is the relevant reveal.js documentation on that topic.

Columns layout

Inspired by Bulma, Asciidoctor reveal.js supports columns layout out-of-the-box:

== 2 columns

* **Edgar Allen Poe**
* Sheri S. Tepper
* Bill Bryson

Edgar Allan Poe (/poʊ/; born Edgar Poe; January 19, 1809 – October 7, 1849) was an American writer, editor, and literary critic.

If you do not specify a size, each column will have an equal width, no matter the number of columns.

== 3 columns

* Java
* **Kotlin**

* Node
* **Deno**

* Ruby
* **Crystal**

If you want to change the size of a single column, you can use one of the following classes:

  • is-three-quarters

  • is-two-thirds

  • is-half

  • is-one-third

  • is-one-quarter

  • is-full

The other columns will fill up the remaining space automatically.
You can use the following multiples of 20% as well:

  • is-four-fifths

  • is-three-fifths

  • is-two-fifths

  • is-one-fifth

== Columns with size

* **Kotlin**
* Java
* Scala

Programming language for Android, mobile cross-platform
and web development, server-side, native,
and data science. Open source forever Github.

The vertical alignment of columns defaults to top aligned. Content can be centered by adding the is-vcentered class to the slide.

== Columns Vertically Centered

* Few
* Bullets
* Here


Text alignment of columns is also supported. Text content on individual columns can be aligned with has-text-left, has-text-right and has-text-justified CSS classes.

== Column Text Alignment

Something Short

Something So Long That We Need It Aligned

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Something Short

Something So Long That We Need It Aligned