Install guide


  • You’ve installed the latest long term support (LTS) release of Node on your machine.

On this page, you’ll learn:

  • How to install Asciidoctor.js CLI.

Install Asciidoctor.js CLI

You must have Asciidoctor.js installed to use it.

Install Asciidoctor.js and the CLI globally and you’ll have access to the asciidoctor command anywhere on your system. Open a terminal and type:

$ npm i -g asciidoctor
If you prefer Yarn over npm, you can install Asciidoctor.js using yarn global add asciidoctor.

If the module installed successfully, its command line interface (CLI) will be available on your PATH. To confirm that Asciidoctor.js CLI is available, execute:

$ asciidoctor --version

You should see information about the Asciidoctor.js CLI version printed in the terminal.

Asciidoctor.js 2.2.0 (Asciidoctor 2.0.10) []
Runtime Environment (node v12.18.4 on linux)
CLI version 3.4.0

What’s next?

Now that Asciidoctor.js CLI is installed, you are ready to take a quick tour.