Use the Extended Converter

Require the extended converter

To use an extended converter, require it by passing the path to the -r flag when calling the asciidoctor-pdf command:

$ asciidoctor-pdf -r ./extended-pdf-converter.rb doc.adoc

The converter will self-register with the pdf backend and thus get used as the Asciidoctor PDF converter.

If you’re using Asciidoctor PDF via the asciidoctorj command provided by AsciidoctorJ, you’ll need to first require the asciidoctor-pdf gem. This step is necessary since the extended converter assumes that Asciidoctor PDF has already been required by the time it’s required itself.

$ asciidoctorj -b pdf -r asciidoctor-pdf -r ./extended-pdf-converter.rb doc.adoc

That’s all there is to it!

Go further

To get deeper into the world of extended converters, explore the use cases.