TikZ is a graphics drawing environment for TeX.
TikZ requires a TeX distribution that supports the TikZ package.
The TikZ extension generates a small LaTeX document which is processed by LaTeX and TikZ.
By default the entire block contents will be interpreted as TikZ code.
When the preamble
option is set on the TikZ block, the block contents are first split in two on the first instance of a marker line containing exactly the sequence ~~~~
The text before the marker line will be interpreted as preamble code.
The text after the marked is TikZ code.
The generated document is based on the following template.
\documentclass[border=2bp, tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} <preamble> (1) \begin{document} \begingroup \tikzset{every picture/.style={scale=1}} <TikZ code> (2) \endgroup \end{document} END
1 | Preamble code (if preamble option is set) |
2 | TikZ code |
[tikz] .... \begin{tikzpicture}[font=\LARGE] % Figure parameters (tta and k needs to have the same sign) % They can be modified at will \def \tta{ -10.00000000000000 } % Defines the first angle of perspective \def \k{ -3.00000000000000 } % Factor for second angle of perspective \def \l{ 6.00000000000000 } % Defines the width of the parallelepiped \def \d{ 5.00000000000000 } % Defines the depth of the parallelepiped \def \h{ 7.00000000000000 } % Defines the heigth of the parallelepiped % The vertices A,B,C,D define the reference plan (vertical) \coordinate (A) at (0,0); \coordinate (B) at ({-\h*sin(\tta)},{\h*cos(\tta)}); \coordinate (C) at ({-\h*sin(\tta)-\d*sin(\k*\tta)}, {\h*cos(\tta)+\d*cos(\k*\tta)}); \coordinate (D) at ({-\d*sin(\k*\tta)},{\d*cos(\k*\tta)}); % The vertices Ap,Bp,Cp,Dp define a plane translated from the % reference plane by the width of the parallelepiped \coordinate (Ap) at (\l,0); \coordinate (Bp) at ({\l-\h*sin(\tta)},{\h*cos(\tta)}); \coordinate (Cp) at ({\l-\h*sin(\tta)-\d*sin(\k*\tta)}, {\h*cos(\tta)+\d*cos(\k*\tta)}); \coordinate (Dp) at ({\l-\d*sin(\k*\tta)},{\d*cos(\k*\tta)}); % Marking the vertices of the tetrahedron (red) % and of the parallelepiped (black) \fill[black] (A) circle [radius=2pt]; \fill[red] (B) circle [radius=2pt]; \fill[black] (C) circle [radius=2pt]; \fill[red] (D) circle [radius=2pt]; \fill[red] (Ap) circle [radius=2pt]; \fill[black] (Bp) circle [radius=2pt]; \fill[red] (Cp) circle [radius=2pt]; \fill[black] (Dp) circle [radius=2pt]; % painting first the three visible faces of the tetrahedron \filldraw[draw=red,bottom color=red!50!black, top color=cyan!50] (B) -- (Cp) -- (D); \filldraw[draw=red,bottom color=red!50!black, top color=cyan!50] (B) -- (D) -- (Ap); \filldraw[draw=red,bottom color=red!50!black, top color=cyan!50] (B) -- (Cp) -- (Ap); % Draw the edges of the tetrahedron \draw[red,-,very thick] (Ap) -- (D) (Ap) -- (B) (Ap) -- (Cp) (B) -- (D) (Cp) -- (D) (B) -- (Cp); % Draw the visible edges of the parallelepiped \draw [-,thin] (B) -- (A) (Ap) -- (Bp) (B) -- (C) (D) -- (C) (A) -- (D) (Ap) -- (A) (Cp) -- (C) (Bp) -- (B) (Bp) -- (Cp); % Draw the hidden edges of the parallelepiped \draw [gray,-,thin] (Dp) -- (Cp); (Dp) -- (D); (Ap) -- (Dp); % Name the vertices (the names are not consistent % with the node name, but it makes the programming easier) \draw (Ap) node [right] {$A$} (Bp) node [right, gray] {$F$} (Cp) node [right] {$D$} (C) node [left,gray] {$E$} (D) node [left] {$B$} (A) node [left,gray] {$G$} (B) node [above left=+5pt] {$C$} (Dp) node [right,gray] {$H$}; % Drawing again vertex $C$, node (B) because it disappeared behind the edges. % Drawing again vertex $H$, node (Dp) because it disappeared behind the edges. \fill[red] (B) circle [radius=2pt]; \fill[gray] (Dp) circle [radius=2pt]; % From the reference and this example one can easily draw % the twin tetrahedron jointly to this one. % Drawing the edges of the twin tetrahedron % switching the p_s: A <-> Ap, etc... \draw[red,-,dashed, thin] (A) -- (Dp) (A) -- (Bp) (A) -- (C) (Bp) -- (Dp) (C) -- (Dp) (Bp) -- (C); \end{tikzpicture} ....

A LaTeX distribution that provides the
command is required -
SVG output requires the pdf2svg command