
Extensions are also able to log messages that are handled in the same way as messages logged by Asciidoctor itself as explained in Logs Handling API.

Logging messages via this API allows build tools like the Asciidoctor Maven plugin to capture them and for example fail the build in case an error or warning is logged. Therefore it might be preferable to use this instead of directly logging messages via slf4j or other APIs.

Every extension inherits the method Processor.log() that allows it to log messages. The following example shows a Block Macro Processor that logs a message containing the target of the macro:

public class LoggingBlockMacroProcessor extends BlockMacroProcessor {

    public StructuralNode process(
            StructuralNode parent, String target, Map<String, Object> attributes) {

        String message = target;

        log(new org.asciidoctor.log.LogRecord(        (1)
                parent.getSourceLocation(),           (2)

        return createBlock(parent, "paragraph", "Hello from the logging macro");

1 The method log(LogRecord) is inherited from the Processor class hierarchy.
2 You can access the source location of the parent node to put the message in relation to the source document. Note that the source location will be null unless you enable the sourcemap option