Book Parts
Parts can only be used when the document type is book
The presence of at least one part implies that the document is a multi-part book.
(There’s no dedicated doctype
for a multi-part book to distinguish it from a book with only chapters).
Anatomy of a part
A part is a level 0 section.
A part must contain at least one level 1 section.
The first part is the first level 0 section in the document that comes after the document title.
Like the document title, a part is designated by a level 0 section title (=
= Book Title
:doctype: book
= Part I
A part can have an optional introduction (similar to the preamble of the document), known as a part intro.
The part intro is the content between the part title and the first section in the part.
The part intro can be marked explicitly using the partintro
style on either a paragraph or open block.
AsciiDoc provides document attributes to control the numbering and labeling parts.
Part intro
The content between the part title and the first section in the part is the part intro. Normally, the part intro is inferred, as shown here:
= Book Title
:doctype: book
= Part I
This is the implicit partintro.
== Chapter A
You can mark the part intro explicitly by adding the partintro
style on the sole block before the first section.
= Book Title
:doctype: book
= Part I
This is the implicit partintro.
== Chapter A
Special sections for parts
A part can have its own preface, bibliography, glossary and index.
= Multi-Part Book with Parts that Have Special Sections
Author Name <>
:doctype: book
= Book Preface
This is the preface for the whole book.
=== Preface Subsection
Chinchillas rule the world.
= Part 1
This is the introduction to the first part of our mud-encrusted journey.
== Chapter 1
There was mud...
== Chapter 2
Great gobs of mud...
== Part 1 Glossary
mud:: wet, cold dirt
= Part 2
== Part 2 Preface
This is a preface just for part 2.
== Chapter 3
The mud had turned to cement...
Special sections can also be correlated directly with the book, as part siblings. Since the book preface in the previous example comes before the first part, you can write it as level 1 section if you prefer.
== Book Preface
This is the preface for the whole book.
=== Preface Subsection
Chinchillas rule the world.
Read on to find out how to use special sections as part siblings.
Special sections as part siblings
In a multi-part book, parts occupy the top level in the hierarchy. If you were to define a special section at level 1 that follows a part in a multi-part book, it will become a child of that part. If you want the special section to be owned by the book instead, as a sibling of parts, it must be defined at the top level too.
The AsciiDoc syntax allows special sections in a multi-part book to be defined using a level 0 section title (i.e., =
When the document is parsed, the level of the special section will automatically be adjusted to a level 1 section in the model.
Despite this level change, the special section remains as a sibling of parts in the hierarchy.
The one level of offset (level 0 instead of level 1) is only a hint to the parser to make the special section a sibling of parts.
You can see this syntax used for the appendix in the following example.
= Multi-Part Book
:doctype: book
= Part Title
== Chapter Title
= Appendix Title
For consistency, it’s best to also make special sections part-like if they come before the first part. However, technically the syntax doesn’t require it.
= Multi-Part Book
:doctype: book
= Book Preface
= Part Title
== Chapter Title
If the special section supports nested sections, the next level must be level 2 (i.e., ===
), since the special section itself has level 1.
Here’s an example of a multi-part book that has a special section before the part and a special section with subsections after the part.
= Multi-Part Book with Special Sections
Author Name <>
:doctype: book
= The Colophon
Text at the beginning of a book describing facts about its production.
= The First Part
== The First Chapter
Chapters can be grouped by preceding them with a level 0 Book Part title.
= The Appendix
=== Basics
A multipart book can have appendixes, which should be defined at section level 0.
=== Subsections
Subsections of an appendix in a multipart book should start at level 2.
When you convert this document, notice that the special sections are siblings of the part in the table of contents.

Notice that the subsections of the special sections are only a single level below the parent section rather than two levels below.