Document Title
A document title (aka doctitle) is defined in the document header, typically on the first line of the document. Like all elements of the document header, the document title is optional.
Title syntax
A document title is specified using a single equals sign (=
), followed by a space, then the title text.
= The Intrepid Chronicles
This adventure begins on a frigid morning.
In Example 1, notice the empty line between the document title and the first line of prose. That empty line is what separates the document header from the document body.

Doctypes and titles
Technically, a document title is a level 0 section title (=
The article
and manpage
document types (doctype
) can only have one level 0 section.
The book
document type permits multiple level 0 section titles.
When the doctype
is book
, the title of the level 0 section in the header is used as the document’s title.
Subsequent level 0 section titles in the document body are interpreted as part titles, unless labeled with a style.
Hide or show the document title
When converting a standalone document, the document title is shown by default.
You can control whether the document title appears with the showtitle
If you don’t want the title to be shown, unset the showtitle
attribute using showtitle!
in the document header or via the CLI or API.
When converted to an embeddable document, the document title isn’t shown by default.
To show the title in the embeddable document, set showtitle
in the document header or via the CLI or API.
The author and revision information isn’t shown below the document title in the embeddable version of the document like it is in the standalone document, even when showtitle
is set.
Reference the document title
The level 0 section title in a document’s header, that is, its title, is automatically assigned to the document attribute doctitle
You can reference the doctitle
attribute anywhere in your document and the document’s title will be displayed.
= The Intrepid Chronicles
{doctitle} begin on a frigid morning.

The doctitle
attribute can also be explicitly set and assigned a value using an attribute entry in the header.
title attribute
By default, the text of the document title is used as the value of the HTML <title>
element and main DocBook <info>
You can override this behavior by setting the title
attribute in the header with an attribute entry.
If neither a level 0 section title or doctitle
is specified in the header, but title
is, its value is used as a fallback document title.